Dear all, as the weather’s turning colder and the days shorter, our felted angels are lying everywhere and all of us at Dolls4tibet are busier than ever to get last minute orders ready in time for Christmas! However, Renske, our first project volunteer, and I took a few minutes to research what angels are supposed to stand for and why they are particularly popular at this time of year…
The word ‘angel’ is derived from Hebrew and Greek and simply means ‘messenger’ – in the sense of spiritual beings connecting us with our own higher self or the spiritual realms. Angels are commonly seen as divine messengers of love and peace as well as protectors, spiritual guides and guardians.
We were a little surprised to find that angels are not only part of Christian traditions but similar symbolism can be found across the globe in almost all cultures! Still, for us, the most common connection is made with Christian imagery of innocent human-like appearance and transparent wings.
Particularly around Christmas, angelic beings take on an important symbolic role. At the turning point of the year, during its darkest and most quiet time, when many tend to naturally withdraw and look within themselves in search of meaning in their lives or inner guidance, angels are around and accompany us on this inner journey.
Even before the Christian era, traditional festivals were held around the same time, welcoming the light returning to Earth and the days gradually getting longer and warmer again. Our well known Christmas tree with all its beautiful candles (or now mostly colorful electric lights) might be connected to this and Christianity seems to have adopted these age old celebrations and infused them with their own spiritual meaning.
On Christmas Eve, at the birth of Jesus, angels from heaven stood guard, announcing cheerfully with their bells and trumpets that the son of God was born to bring the light back into the world. It was the magic glow of these heavenly beings that guided the shepherds and kings to the Savior of the world…
No matter if you or your children believe in angels as actual beings or in the stories which lie behind Christmas, surely they add to the magic, fun and joy of this special time of year and our variety of felted angel products are perfect additions to the decorations of your rooms, greeneries or the Christmas tree itself!
Although neither Renske nor I claim to offer an extensive or completely accurate view of angels or even Christmas, we do hope this might bring a little light on this symbolism and we do wish that this Christmas can be a time for celebration, for remembrance, giving, faith, family, friends, a time for peace and a time for support of our Tibetan brothers and sisters who continue to suffer terribly inside Chinese-occupied Tibet.
In this spirit, the Dolls4Tibet team wishes you all an enjoyable and reflective Advent and a peaceful Christmas holiday to look forward to!